Lamp Fireplace Enframement Fireplace Enframement Fireplace Enframement Stove Water Tank Napkins Napkin Napkins Napkin Napkins Napkin Christmas Tree Ornaments Christmas Tree Ornaments Christmas Tree Ornaments Fragment, Textile Fragment, Textile Fragment, Textile Fragment, Textile Fragment, Textile Fragment, Textile Fragment, Textile Fragment, Textile Dress Sundress\n Crazy Quilt General Electric Waffle Iron Pitcher Dutch Oven Pitcher Platter Fish Poacher Kettle Pair of Andirons Windsor Rocking Chair Dish Plate Secretary Bookcase Painting Gentleman's Secretary Pair of Boxes Box Doll-shaped Charm Belt Buckle Souvenir Necklace Pair of Earrings Hair Clip Brooch Pair of Earrings