Platter Plate Sauce dishes Vase Dish Teacup and saucer Teacup and Saucer Tea bowl and saucer Tea bowl and saucer Cups Cup and saucer Teacup and saucer Cup and saucer Cup and saucer Teacup and saucer Teacup and saucer Teacup and saucer Cup and saucer Vases Vase Vase Tea bowl Tea bowl Tea bowl Tea bowl Divided serving bowl Bowl with lug handles Small bowl Lidded sugar bowl and creamer Lidded sugar bowl and creamer\n Gravy boat or creamer Serving dish Oval serving dish Sugar bowl with lid "Ovation" creamer with tab handle Steri-lite Cups "Banquet pattern" forks "Futura" small plate Coffee cup with handle (blue) Coffee cup with handle (blue) Coffee cup with handle (blue) Coffee cup with handle (blue) Coffee cup with handle (blue) Coffee cup with handle (blue) Coffee cup with handle (pink) Saucer (speckled coral) Saucer (pink) Saucer (blue) Small plate, (speckled coral) Small plate, (speckled coral)